I would like to cordially invite everyone to visit my new website: robertabatemusic.com. The main focus of the site is the sale of original composition and custom band arrangements. Original music for any purpose and custom ensemble arrangements for any size group or style. There are many playable audio files showing examples of these services including the entire score to my latest musical theatre piece. There are also pages devoted to performance and lessons.
Dance companies, movie makers, song writers wanting professional recordings of their songs, vocalists needing demo tunes with instrument back up, commercial producers, musical theatre playwrights, professional bands needing hot custom arrangements and artists recording CD’s with no band are just a few of the types of people who would profit and find value in my services. All genres and styles.
Please visit the website, enjoy the musical experience and recommend me to anyone you think would need or benefit from what I have to offer.
The audio file with this post is an original composition entitled “She’s Got The Fever”, from my new CD of the same name. Thank you very much, Robert.